Loading Cue-Mate into the Applicator
Retract barrel and plunger fully. Maintain retracted position by holding finger grip and scraper. Hold Applicator in the vertical position for loading. Thread tail of device into ‘keyhole’ of barrel. Holding device and ‘jaws’ in palm of hand, feed device into jaws. Squeeze jaws closed around device. Slide barrel forward to close applicator.
Inserting Cue-Mate® into the Cow
Prior to insertion of the Applicator ensure the vulva is cleaned with a paper towel or suitable wipe.
Place veterinary lubricant onto the tip of the Applicator. Insert the lubricated Applicator, positioned in a vertical plane through the lips of the vulva and push forward guiding the tip of the Applicator through the vestibule. Once the Applicator is inserted past the vestibular constriction, turn the Applicator so the Cue-Mate® device is in the horizontal position. Push the Applicator well forward and depress the Applicator plunger thereby releasing the Cue-Mate® into the anterior vagina in a well forward position.
Withdraw the Applicator ensuring the Tail travels freely out of the Applicator. When correctly positioned the Tail should be protruding from the vulva pointing down with no part of the Wishbone being visible.
Removal and Wishbone Recycling
Remove Cue-Mate® by grasping the Tail firmly and gently pulling backward. As the Wishbone emerges, pull the Tail in a slightly sideways direction to ease each Pod through the vulva, one at a time, to avoid rapid removal and flicking. To Remove Pods and Tails from used Wishbones, place used devices in bucket and apply high pressure hose to loosen and remove mucus. Remove Pods from Wishbone by pulling lip of the Pod-head and ripping away from Wishbone. Remove Tail by pushing back through Wishbone. Discard Pods and Tails. Wash Wishbones in hot alkaline detergent at 65°C, rinse, dry and store in plastic bags away from direct sunlight.
Re-Loading Wishbones
Sanitise cleaned Wishbones in a chlorine sanitiser with at least 2,000ppm of available chlorine, for one hour. Virkon can be used in accordance with label concentrations. Take sanitised clean Wishbones and twist a new Treatment Pod onto each arm of the Wishbone.
Placement of Pods can be assisted by first wetting the Wishbone arm in clean water, enabling the Pod to travel smoothly over the Wishbone stem. Use a twisting action to push the Pod over the button and ensure the Pod has clipped firmly onto the Wishbone button.